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Vision Statement

We believe that ALL children in our school should be given the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

In an atmosphere of love and concern, the whole person will be developed SPIRITUALLY, MORALLY, SOCIALLY, ACADEMICALLY, PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY.

We believe that each child that is immersed in a  faith filled Christian community will develop as an integrated person, striving for excellence, growing in relationship with God and having respect for self and others.

Mission Statement

St Patrick's school was founded in 1880 by the Sisters of St Joseph. Following the Josephite tradition, the words of St Mary MacKillop are our mission statement.

"Never see a need without trying to do something about it"

Vision for Learning


St Patrick’s School collaboratively facilitates meaningful learning opportunities  that develop creative, confident and independent lifelong learners. Our students will have the skills to contribute to an ever changing world, while demonstrating a strong sense of empathy, social justice, compassion and connection to the Catholic faith.